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Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth
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Walkability Audit

4th Mar 2025
We had great fun as we completed a Walkability Audit on our school. We looked for signs to see if our school was suitable to walk to and if there were any changes that needed to be made. We began at the front of the school, turning left at the gate and crossing the road at the zebra crossing. We walked further up the road and saw the signs that indicated there was a school ahead. We also began doing some speed checks on drivers driving past! We continued around to the back of the school, checking to see if surfaces were even to allow for safe walking to school.

Road Signs - Speed limits and Periodic Speed Limit Signs

Zebra Crossing - School Traffic Warden

Road Railings

Park and Walk locations

Bike Shelter and Scooter Parking 

These are a few of the many positives we discovered on our Walkability Audit so we encourage as many people as we can to walk, cycle or scoot to school every day 😁