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Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth
We will still accept late applications for enrolment in Junior Infants 2025. Contact us for a personal school visit. [Open Document] | School Calendar 2025-2026 [Open Document]
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Learning Zone Parents

Visit This excellent website has lots of interactive and age appropriate games. The website was developed as part of the National Strategy to Improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People by the Department of Education and Skills.

Online Safety
Please talk to your child about the need to balance online activities with other ways of learning and with exercise and creative play. Online activity needs to be monitored and now is a good time to have that chat with your child.

  • Agree some simple rules around devices, where and how long your child can be on devices, device-free mealtimes, games they can play etc.
  • Talk about the fun stuff as well as the potential bad stuff they may encounter online. Talk about the fact that people may not always be who they say they are online. Talk about being kind online.
  • Keep informed about the apps and games your children use and how to set privacy settings and parental controls. Check out and to learn more.
  • Visit which has a hub of recommended educational apps, games and resources.
  • The most important thing is to let your children know they can come to you about online content that makes them uncomfortable or that they’re not sure about. If they think this may result in them losing their device this will lessen the chances of them coming to you….it’s best to talk over the problem calmly and to help your child learn how to prevent it happening again.

1. We ask all families to supervise their child’s online learning work. Please monitor your child’s emails to teacher to ensure you are happy with the content.

2.When/If requested by teacher, pupils may email their work or projects to teacher for feedback.

3. Every Friday teachers will email new Home Learning Activities which will be the suggested work for the following week. Senior teachers will also email correction sheets to assist parents in the correction of your son's work. The following week's work will also be posted on our school website.

4. Teachers will endeavour to reply to pupils’ email correspondence in a timely manner.

5. Email correspondence between your child and his teacher is strictly confidential and should not be copied or re-distributed in any manner.

Thank you for you very good work to date supporting your child’s home learning activities.

Below are lists of other useful links for Parents / Guardians.