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Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth
We will still accept late applications for enrolment in Junior Infants 2025. Contact us for a personal school visit. [Open Document] | School Calendar 2025-2026 [Open Document]
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Monastery NS Special Needs Department

Our Special Needs Department currently has five Support Teachers (SETs) and five Special Needs Assistants (SNAs). The Department is led by our experienced Special Needs Coordinator Mrs Valerie Browne. Our Support Teachers engage in team teaching with the classroom teacher and support literacy and numeracy in every classroom. They also withdraw groups and individual children for support. If you are considering enrolling your child please contact our school as soon as possible. We can apply to the NCSE for resource teaching hours and/or apply to NCSE for access to a Special Needs Assistant or shared access to a Special Needs Assistant on your behalf. We can also offer advice on how to access support for your son from outside professional agencies.

If your child finds reading or maths difficult, he/she may be referred to our Special Education Teachers, who will assess what additional supports he/she may need and then develop an individual programme to help him. Our Special Education Teachers also work with children who have been identified as having specific learning difficulties or disabilities.

If you are considering enrolling your child in our school and know that your child has additional needs, it is vitally important to contact our school as soon as possible. We can apply for resource teaching hours and/or the allocation of a Special Needs Assistant on your behalf. We can also offer advice on how to best access support for your son.