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Monastery National School, Ardee, Co. Louth
We will still accept late applications for enrolment in Junior Infants 2025. Contact us for a personal school visit. [Open Document] | School Calendar 2025-2026 [Open Document]
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Wellbeing of Pupils in Monastery NS

Monastery NS plays a vital role in the promotion of wellbeing through a range of activities and approaches to support the academic, physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual development of all our pupils. We continually invest with all of our school stakeholders in a positive school culture that engages and meets our pupils' needs.

We have already developed innovative approaches to wellbeing promotion supported by strong quality teaching and learning. Monastery NS is key to equipping our pupils with the knowledge, skills and competencies to deal with challenges that impact on their wellbeing.

As well as promoting Wellbeing through the SPHE curriculum (
Stay Safe, Walk Tall and RSE Programmes) and other curriculum areas we also promote pupil wellbeing through the following;

  • A Positive School Culture
  • Ardee School Completion Programmes
  • Friends for Life Programme
  • Incredible Years
  • Assemblies
  • Friendship Week
  • Active School Flag
  • Lunchtime Activities
  • Christmas Concert
  • Other extra curricular actives such as Sport and Choir
  • HSE Supports and Programmes
  • Ardee Library Service and outreach programmes


Useful Wellbeing Resources for Parents

Partnership for Children - Resources to boost your child's wellbeing during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Twinkl - 
Wellbeing Primary resources.

St Patrick's Mental Health Services - Walk in my Shoes - Resources - 
Positive school environments play a central part in enhancing mental health awareness, tackling stigma, and promoting wellbeing for children.

Place2Be - Improving Children's Mental Health Resources - Resources for improving children's mental health.